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Version: 25.2


(Beta) Object-oriented SDK for Snorkel Flow


Batch(name, uid, dataset_uid, label_schemas, ...)

The Batch object represents an annotation batch in Snorkel Flow.

Dataset(name, uid, mta_enabled)

The Dataset object represents a dataset in Snorkel Flow.

Deployment(deployment_uid, **kwargs)

The Deployment object represents a deployment in Snorkel Flow.

ExternalModel(external_model_name[, ...])

ExternalModelTrainer([column_mappings, ...])

The ExternalModelTrainer class provides methods to finetune a 3rd party model.

FTDataset(df, dataset_uid, label_schema_uid, ...)

FineTuningApp(app_uid, model_node_uid, ...)

LabelSchema(name, uid, dataset_uid, ...[, ...])

The LabelSchema object represents a label schema in Snorkel Flow.

MLflowDeployment(deployment_uid, **kwargs)

MLflowDeployment class represents a deployment of a Snorkel Flow application as an MLflow model.

ModelNode(uid, application_uid, config)

ModelNode class represents a model node.

Node(uid, application_uid, config)

The Node object represents atomic data processing units in Snorkel Flow.

OperatorNode(uid, application_uid, config)

OperatorNode class represents a non-model, operator node.

QualityDataset(df, dataset_uid, ...)

Slice(dataset, slice_uid, name[, ...])

SnorkelFlowPackageDeployment(deployment_uid, ...)

SnorkelFlowPackageDeployment class represents a deployment of a Snorkel Flow application as a SnorkelFlowPackage.