Application related functions.
| Add a block to an existing application. |
| Create a new App version for an application. |
| Create a new application |
| Create an application with a classification block. |
Create a hOCR PDF classification application. | |
| Create an application with a hOCR extraction block. |
Create an application with a multi-label classification block. | |
Create a native PDF classification application. | |
Create an application with a native PDF extraction block. | |
Resplit datasources and creates a new application with resplit datasources. | |
| Create an application with a sequence tagging block. |
| Create an application with a text extraction block. |
| Deletes the specified application. |
| Duplicate an existing application. |
| Execute specified operators on an input DataFrame. |
| Get a specific application based on the name |
| Get a list of all applications |
| List all App versions for an application. |
| Load an existing App version for an application. |
| Update the is_public field of an existing application |
| Update various attributes of an existing Application |
| BETA: Plots a representation of the application graph, and returns a networkx DiGraph for further analysis. |