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Version: 0.96


snorkelflow.client.transfer.export_ground_truth(node, filepath, is_context=False)

Exports ground truth. Returns a two-column table, where the columns are the x_uid and label. Also writes this table to a CSV file at the provided location.


>>> sf.export_ground_truth(node_uid, gt_filepath)
# returns a pd.DataFrame
x_uid label
0 doc::001 "SPAM"
1 doc::002 "HAM"
  • node (int) – ID of the node to export GT from

  • filepath (str) – Path to the ground truth file we export to. This path must be a path in the local filesystem, i.e. cannot be in S3 or MinIO.

  • is_context (bool, default: False) – If True, export a ground truth label for the whole document, if False then just for the span. Only available for information extraction tasks.

Return type:

None if there is no gt, otherwise, a pd.DataFrame with columns x_uid and label.