SDK functions for transferring assets between applications or nodes on a single Snorkel Flow instance.
| Convert exported span ground truth CSV files to old span format for backwards compatibility. |
| Exports ground truth. |
| Export LFs from a node to the specified filepath as a base64-encoded string. |
| Saves both the node's LFs and GT to the location specified by |
| Export the tag types for a node, optionally to a file. |
| Import ground truth labels for any task type. |
| Import labeling functions from a source filepath to a destination node. |
| Load labeling functions and ground truth labels from |
| Import |
| Copies annotations from one node to another. |
| Transfer comments from the node with ID |
| Copy ground truth from one node to another. |
| Copy all active LFs and packaged LFs from one node to another. |
| Copy active LFs and packaged LFs selectively from one node to another. |
| Copy tags from |