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Version: 0.94


class snorkelflow.sdk.LabelSchema(name, uid, dataset_uid, label_map)

Bases: object

The LabelSchema object represents a label schema in Snorkel Flow. Currently, this interface only represents Dataset-level (not Node-level) label schemas.

__init__(name, uid, dataset_uid, label_map)

Create a label schema object in-memory with necessary properties. This constructor should not be called directly, and should instead be accessed through the create() and get() methods

  • name (str) – The name of the label schema

  • uid (int) – The UID for the label schema within Snorkel Flow

  • dataset_uid (int) – The UID for the dataset within Snorkel Flow

  • label_map (Dict[str, int]) – The label map of the label schema


__init__(name, uid, dataset_uid, label_map)

Create a label schema object in-memory with necessary properties.

copy(name[, description, label_map, ...])

Copy a label schema.

create(dataset_uid, name, data_type, ...[, ...])

Create a label schema for a dataset.


Delete a label schema by name or UID.


Retrieve a label schema by name or UID.



The UID for the dataset within Snorkel Flow.


The label map of the label schema.


The name of the label schema.


The UID for the label schema within Snorkel Flow.

copy(name, description=None, label_map=None, label_descriptions=None, updated_label_schema=None)

Copy a label schema.

  • name (str) – The name of the new label schema

  • description (Optional[str], default: None) – The description of the new label schema

  • label_map (Optional[Dict[str, int]], default: None) – The label map of the new label schema

  • label_descriptions (Optional[Dict[str, str]], default: None) – The label descriptions of the new label schema

  • updated_label_schema (Optional[Dict[str, str]], default: None) – The update mapping to apply to the new label schema. This is a dictionary mapping label names for the current label schema to those for the new label schema. If a label for the current label schema is removed, it is mapped to None. Examples: 1. Rename “old_1” to “new_1” and remove “old_2”: {“old_1”: “new_1”, “old_2”: None} 2. Merge “old_1” and “old_2” to “new_1”: {“old_1”: “new_1”, “old_2”: “new_1”} 3. Split “old_1” to “new_1” and “new_2”, and keep assets labeled as “old_1” at “new_1”: {“old_1”: “new_1”} 4. Add “new_3”: None (no change to the existing assets)


The new label schema object

Return type:


classmethod create(dataset_uid, name, data_type, task_type, label_map, multi_label=False, description=None, label_column=None, label_descriptions=None, primary_field=None)

Create a label schema for a dataset.

Typically, Dataset.create_label_schema() is the recommended entrypoint for creating label schemas.

  • dataset_uid (int) – The UID for the dataset within Snorkel Flow

  • name (str) – The name of the label schema

  • data_type (str) – The data type of the label schema

  • task_type (str) – The task type of the label schema

  • label_map (Union[Dict[str, int], List[str]]) – A dictionary mapping label names to their integer values, or a list of label names

  • multi_label (bool, default: False) – Whether the label schema is a multi-label schema, by default False

  • description (Optional[str], default: None) – A description of the label schema, by default None

  • label_column (Optional[str], default: None) – The name of the column that contains the labels, by default None

  • label_descriptions (Optional[Dict[str, str]], default: None) – A dictionary mapping label names to their descriptions, by default None

  • primary_field (Optional[str], default: None) – The primary field of the label schema, by default None


The label schema object

Return type:


classmethod delete(label_schema)

Delete a label schema by name or UID.


label_schema (Union[str, int]) – The name or UID of the label schema

Return type:


classmethod get(label_schema)

Retrieve a label schema by name or UID.


label_schema (Union[str, int]) – The name or UID of the label schema


The label schema object

Return type:



ValueError – If no label schema is found with the given name or UID

property dataset_uid: int

The UID for the dataset within Snorkel Flow.

property label_map: Dict[str, int]

The label map of the label schema.

property name: str

The name of the label schema.

property uid: int

The UID for the label schema within Snorkel Flow.